Plum Prairie Ranch is part of our new adventure.
You can’t learn to ride a bike by reading a book. Some things, you only learn by doing. Being a parent is one of those things. So is finding your purpose.
School started last week in my city, and I can’t help but feel a little sad that my kids are in college or beyond. I haven’t been attending meet-the-teacher night, arranging carpools or filling out enrollment forms. Instead, I’m more of a member of the finance committee.
I DID take advantage of some sales to buy office supplies, but my heart gave a little pang watching a mom and her daughter picking out a new backpack. (The mom while holding up an orange and blue backpack with R2-D2: “No, this is not just for boys.” You go, mom!)
My role as a parent is changing. I’m a little (or a lot) anxious over the unknowns of the future. But that shouldn’t surprise me. Despite reading “What to Expect When You’re Expecting,” I didn’t really know what pregnancy or child birth would be like until I experienced them.
I remember fighting back panic as they handed me my baby in the hospital and sent us home: “What am I going to do now?” I didn’t really know how to be a parent. You can learn only so much by studying. You figure it out as you go along.
Growing new dreams
Every stage of parenting has been that way. Raising young adults is no different. I think we learn as we go. The biggest difference I’ve found in this stage is time. I have more time that isn’t claimed by clamoring kids. That isn’t completely over. A few days ago, I took my youngest back-to-school clothes shopping. I treasure our time together more than I did when she was 5 because I know these moments are fleeting.
I can take a little time to mourn the passing of the hands-on years, but now it’s time to grow some new dreams. One of those dreams is Plum Prairie Ranch, both the land and the blog. I want them to bless and encourage others. I’m still figuring out the details, but some things YOU ONLY LEARN BY DOING.
I am reading The ONE Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results (Affiliate link: product doesn’t cost you more, but I get a small commission) on my Kindle app right now. Author Gary Keller says happiness happens on the way to fulfillment. In other words, we’ll have more joy when we find our purpose for this new season and go after it. We’re going “Back to School” in the sense that we want to learn what we can do to fulfill God’s purpose for our lives.
“See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” – Isaiah 43:18-19

A stream at the Dillon Nature Center in Hutchinson, Kansas, carried crimson leaves last fall.
Rest assured that a big part of our purpose remains parenting our kids, but now we’re more in the coaching role. In this season of life, we’re learning to let go. With the extra time we’ve gained, we can show that even though our school years ended long ago, we’re never done learning.
When I think about God’s purpose for me, I think about the big and little jobs He’s assigned me. Sometimes I don’t have clarity on the big parts, but I always can find the small pieces of the puzzle. Like blessing my family be making dinner (even if it’s just Shawn and me at the table) or texting encouragement to a friend.
I’m never going to be perfect, but God is. As I learn more about him AND do what he tells me to do, I will have all that I need to fulfill my purpose. You learn to know him by following him. Duh! I say this for my own benefit as much as yours (more, maybe).
“By his divine power, God has given us everything we need for living a godly life. We have received all of this by coming to know him, the one who called us to himself by means of his marvelous glory and excellence.” – 2 Peter 1:3
We learn by doing.
What do you want to learn?